Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Man! I Feel Like A Woman!

Being a woman is hard! It was hard in the 1920's. It was hard in the 1950's. And it's hard today!

I'm tired y'all! Are you tired? Now we all have stuff going on. Husbands, kids, school, work and if we're lucky we get a little us time here and there. 

IF, if. 

We are the family glue! So I envy those of y'all that have kids and work and go to school and have a husband to take care of. Damn! That's a run on sentence of our lives right there! 
How exciting.... right? 

Most of the time I find it very exciting. Making plans with family and friends after working 10 hour shifts. Planning and making breakfast, lunch and dinner. I love cooking for my man. We rarely eat the same thing twice. Christmas tree shopping. Dinner and movie dates. Family dinners. I love this wonderful life! And regardless of all this amazing stuff that I'm very thankful for, I'm tired y'all!!! 

I don't think that writing this blog is going to change my life. I will still be tired and overworked! Or at least that's how I feel, :) And here's an FYI real quick - I will reveal more about myself through social media, mostly through this blog, than you will ever have me tell you from my lips. Good or bad? Tell me what you think! 

Back to being tired. You know what makes the exhaustion worth it? Recognition and appreciation. It's that simple, you lovely husbands! Even though I'm sure not one man is reading this. You know what I'm talking about ladies! For example. I work full time at a job that I strongly dislike! Strongly!!!!! I do this because I'm taking one for the team. My husband goes to school full time and works part time. Now, even though I may not act like it, I wish I liked my job enough that my husband didn't have to work at all. This is finals week and MAN is he cranky! But it's ok. He's almost done. This week, and then next semester, that's what is standing between us and the next chapter of out lives. Then maybe I'll go back to school. Or finally go see the fertility specialist. Or maybe we will take the longest vacation of our lives! Those are all really cool things right!

Being a grown up is so fun! ....................  :) 
As long as I can get 8 hours of sleep! 
Did I mention I was a dreamer ^^ haha

Until Later,

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